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Ground breaking cermony

Under the patronage of his excellency the president yasser arafat and the presence of the PEA Chairman,a corner stone has been Lay down for building the first power plant in Gaza vally at the Sea site.  


Transmission project


Palestinian Energy Scientific Center

The Palestinian energy scientific center (PESC) is a governmental  institutional that was established in June 1998 within the quarters of PEA .

 Nuclear  Energy and radiation protection Department

Nuclear Energy and Radiation protection Department was established in the PEA .It’s a governmental Competent authority responsible for policy and legislation .

Energy Conservation

The PEA signed agreement with the UNDP to implement the project which is financed by the global Environment Facilities (GEF) .It's duration is 3  years .the project is part of a term growth of green house Gas emission from electric power Fuel resources.

Establishing a library

 Nowadays The PEA  tries its hard efforts to establish Sceintific library related to  Energy -water- environment -economic-and part of tradition and Culture of people .Its aim providing information and data to all employees of the PEA and GED co .and  PESC which Cousists of a group of universities and researchers .

Advanced International Management Training Programme In Stockholm, Sweden (August 22 – October 1, 1999)

Eng. Hussein EL-Nabih from PEA planning department had shared in the above training program in Sweden; the program was organized by Swedpower International AB.

Twenty-five participants from 23 different country had shared in this program. The main subjects, which were included in the course, are: -

  Market & Sales / Pricing & Tariff

Information Technical.

Demand analysis & Load Forecasting

Computerized Distribution Net work Planning

Operation & Maintenance Management.

International Procurement “ FIDIC”

International Financing

Economy of Investment

Financial analysis

Management of Distribution Power Utility

Leader Ship of Communication


Through a working paper in the Mediterranean sea side conference in Tunisia 

Building a power system spares 505 Million dollars

PEA has participated through a working paper for power generation conference which held in Tunisia from 16-18 november1999 funded by European Community and Tunisia government.

Palestinian representatives ,Dr.Omar Ketana PEA Director general and Ghaleb elshanti manager of generation department in the PEA.                           

 PEA has organised a sceintific seminar in the pea main centre  under a head line future of energy  in palestine  ,several working papers were delivered in the scintific seminar for pea departments. 


“ The energy Future in Case of declaration Palestinian Independent State"

 A seminar was held by an invitation from the national guideness Commission about the energy future in Palestine that hosted Dr. Abdel Rahman Hamad Minister of housing and the PEA Chairman .

Dr. Hamad mentioned the measurments and the steps that PEA has taken in orde to ensure energy to the Palestinian and also the Construction of Power plant in Gaza .

Through the Seminar , Dr. Hamad replied about many Question of the Audience .

Establishing Women department in the PEA.

PEA has established a Woman department that Concerned with women issues in the PEA and its role in the Soceity that a meets the PEA target in and out .


Memorandum Signature Between P.N.A and U.S.A

 Under the patronage of his excellency president Yasser Arafat , PNA has signed a memorandum with USA government on the 22.Feb .2000. The a greement was signed by PEA Chairman Dr. Abdel Rahman Hamad and on the other hand Mr. Bill Richardson Minister of energy in USA with the presence of Dr. Nabil Sha’th Minister of Mopic and Dr. Sa’ab Arikat Minister of Local government and Mr. John Herbest the American general Consoul in Jerusalem . Dr. Hamad Confirmes that the memorendum main goal is to set the basis of Cooperation between the two sides that has the positive impact for the development of palestinian power sector .


Through a woekshop in ramalla on 23/feb/2000

Under the patronage of the PEA Chairman Dr. Abdel Rahman Hamad and with the presence of representatives of European Commission and experts from Europe and Palestine . Workshop was held in Ramallah under a headline instituational infrastructure for the three major Compononts of energy in Palestine  on behalf of Dr. Hamad, Dr. Omer Kettanah the director general of the PEA stressed that transmission Sector will be Subjected to the PNA Control for being regarded to the interConnection with Arab neighboured states like Jordan and Egypt and he explained that this meeting came as a set of projects, European Community has discussed with the mideterrenean Countries to choose the most important issue to study and Palestine has selected the infrastructure of instituation of energy - generation -transmission - distribution . 

Dispatching training delegation to Jordanian kingdom

PEA has dispatched of 20 trainees of engines and trainees to the kingdom of Jordan in order to make a training course in Jordanian electric company with regard to power substation, maintenance systems and high voltage networks.

This program funded by the Japanese government.








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Palestinian Energy Authority:

Main Office PEA. :     Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849

                                        Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191