Nuclear energy and radiation protection department Nuclear
energy has been used for a long period as peaceful means such as electric power
production, medicine and treatment, research and development in many fields. Owing
to the cross-border character of the environmental problems arising from
Military Installations and activities, international cooperation is of special
significance with field of environmental monitoring, reclamation of contaminated
military sites, and agreements of abiding and complying with nuclear
proliferation. In
the beginning of this year, a new unit called Nuclear Energy and Radiation
Protection department (NERP)
was established in the Palestinian energy authority. This unit will be the
governmental competent authority responsible for policy and legislation making
to supervise and promote the peaceful application of the ionizing radiation and
establishing a Palestinian radiation protection and safety program. Main Responsibilities of NERP Ä
description and Analysis Of exiting ionizing radiation Sources In Palestine and
identification of the users of their sources. Ä
of present situation of radiation protection in Palestine. Ä
and legislation making to control and supervise and promote the peaceful
applications of the ionizing radiation and radiation protection. Ä
and applying mechanisms for notification, registration and licensing of
radiation sources and radioactive materials. Ä
awareness and training the local staffs in the field of ionizing radiation
application and radiation protection. Ä
experts and information concerning the field of nuclear energy application and
radiation protection. Ä
with the regional and international Agencies working in the same field. Ä Being the government, competent authority and contact point with the international atomic energy agency (IAEA). Activities
A survey
of ionizing radiation applications in Palestine was carried out in April-may,
1998. Ä
A setup
of a strategic plan for 1999 – 2003 was laid out. Ä
Five days
-training course in radiation protection for 25 local staffs was organized
towards the end of June 1998. Ä
for a project focusing on the studying of the natural background radioactivity
in Palestine. Ä
to carry out training program in x-ray photographing technique in cooperation
with health ministry.
E-Mail : pea@palnet.com
Main Office PEA. : Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849 Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191