A survey
of ionizing radiation applications in Palestine was carried out in April-may,
setup of a strategic plan for 1999 – 2003 was laid out.
days -training course in radiation protection for 25 local staffs was organized
towards the end of June 1998.
for a project focusing on the studying of the natural background radioactivity
in Palestine.
to carry out training program in x-ray photographing technique in cooperation
with health ministry.
workshops in Gaza and Ramallah on the projections of NERP in Palestine. Workshops : ¨
Participating in scientific seminar for Technology osmosis Reverse
use in a deslination in middle east center for desalination
searches -Muskat -Oman, from 1/10/99 to 1998 . ¨
a scientific seminar in a desalination field in the precense of 15
representatives from Palestinian institution at the last of February 1999 .
workshops were organized with regard to nuclear energy and protection department
in Gaza Ramallah in Nov ,Dec subsequently with the presence of institution
,and ministries partners . ¨
participating in media seminar for nuclear energy and peace application . Training ¨Organizing a special training Course in the radiation and waste management
,from 21to 27 June 1998 in Cooperation with scientific faculty in Islamic
university -Gaza 25 participants has participated from several governmental and
non governmental institutions . ¨It has participated also in the national training course in the field of
environment health data management ,by using CDS/ ISIS from 14.to 19 August ,
which was organized by Palestinian health ministry . conferences
E-Mail : pea@palnet.com
Main Office PEA. : Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849 Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191