Distribution Master Plan Summary Background A
rehabilitation program for the existing 22 kV system as recommended by
RK&D has been
performed during the last years. The works were carried out by PEA financed and
supervised by NORAD and Norconsult of Norway. Completion of this cooperation
program was scheduled March 1997,
but networks rehabilitation is since then continued by PEA and the local
distribution utilities. Today the sector is restructured in that distribution
systems are owned and operated by the Gaza Electric Distribution Company, GEDCO,
established by PEA to take charge of the 22 kV and LV networks in the Gaza
strip. New connection Lines and Reinforcement Plans
is presently planning and preparing the final design of the 22 kV connection
lines to the new HV transmission
system substations and related reinforcement of existing lines. The distribution
system overall expansion and
refurbishment to meet the requirements of the transmission system, will be
completed by PEA/GEDCO according to a schedule to harmonize with the
commissioning of the new bulk supply substations. GEDCO
will be responsible for the execution of works. The total corresponding line lengths are:
Type & Length (km)
Cost / 1000 USD
For the North S/S:
5.4 km of UG cables and 10.7
km of OH lines
For the South
1 km of UG cables and 30.3
km of OH lines
Total Cost 8767
E-Mail : pea@palnet.com
Main Office PEA. : Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849 Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191