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[Training Courses] [Replaning and organizing program of power Sectors] [ Seminar about the future of energy in Palestine ]

PEA has adopted modern techniques of training as abase to achieve progress in human development. Training is one of the important factors which enables upgrading the manpower and promoting their efficiency in away that goes along with the technical progress. PEA has also witnessed an increase in its needs for skilled manpower in the field of electrical power system .



A group of 20 technical trainees is taking aspecial Training program of 17 weeks at the Jordan EIectricity Authority .

A group of 14 engineers has taken aspecial Training at ESB in Ireland.

Two engineers were invited to visit industries for producing electrical fixtures in Norway.

A group of 12 engineers has been trained in  using the "NETBAS" distribution documentation system.

Dispatching a group of 15 Engineers to Irland for  training course about management and planing electricity projects and transmission and distribution networks in 1995 .

PEA organized 2 training courses for 26 Engineers in west bank and Gaza strip, for design, operation and human power in Cooperation with ESB.

A group of 60 engineers has taken a braining course in Jordan funded by Japan agency .

PEA has dispatched 2 trainers to Norweigan More factory in Norway for training on transformers maintenance.

A group of  PEA employees has taken training course in public management and public relation in CDS institution financed by PEA 1996.

Participating in many courses which were organized by national center for public management 1996 and 1997 .

A special training Course was performed in Cooperation with ministry of education in learning Hebrow language ( reading - written - spoken )  



Replaning and organizing program of power Sectors

Since its establishment, PEA has started with Cooperation with all parties that Concerned on power sector either in or out In order to get benefit for near and remote targets.

PEA has set up comprehensive plan for developing power sector in Palestine, which included :-

To insure the electrical department requirement in municipalities and villages councils from electrical materials related to daily maintenance work and the possibility to increase network capacity.  

Funded by world bank the Britain investment company" Kenedy and DonKen" has prepared study for Palestinian electricity, about electric load forcast on the mid and long term for Generation, transmission, and distribution.    

 Emergency plan:

Temporal Plan :

Generation sector :

¨ To study load and the capacity forecast.

¨To study the visibility.

¨Setup timing plan. 

Transmission sectors: -

¨Building electrical transmission lines of 220KV to connect power plant with substations in northern and southern of Gaza.

¨  TO connect Gaza network plant with West Bank by 220KV.  

Seminar about the future of energy in Palestine

 PEA has organised a sceintific seminar in the PEA main center under a head line future of energy in Palestine, several working papers were delivered in the scintific seminar for PEA departments.


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Palestinian Energy Authority:

Main Office PEA. :     Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849

                                        Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191