Dr. Abdul Rahman T. Hamad  

 Date of Birth : 1944

 Place of birth : Beit Hanuan - Gaza Strip - Palestine .

 martial Status : Married .

 TeleFax :07 2821702 .

 E-mail : PEA@Palnet.com

     Present positions :

Minister of housing  .

Chairman of Palestinian Energy Authority  .

Palestinian legislative member .

Chairman of the board of Directors in Gaza Electricity  Distribution Coorporation (G.E.D.Co.).

Vice chairman of the board of trustee of Al-Azhar university.

      Education :

 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Wisconsin university Madison U.S.A. 1975 .

 M.sc. Electrical Engineering, Wisconsin university, Madison  U.S.A, 1972 .

 B.sc. in Electrical Engineering, Alexandria university - Egypt, 1967 .

Academical Experience :

Since 1976 up to 1980 assistant professor  in control system engineering university of technology, Baghdad - Iraq .

1979-1980 Dean Assistant for academical affairs in Control and System .Technology university - Baghdad .

 1980 - associate professor in Electrica, Engineering Department .Beirzeit university, Palestine .

 1982-1984 Head of Electrical Engineering Department .

 1989-1991 Head of Electrical Engineering Department .

 1991-1994 Dean of Engineering faculty -Beirzeit university .

 1994-1996 projects Director general in “ PECDAR ” .

Practical Experiences : 

 1968-1971 An Engineer and head of reconstruction in public institution of post and telecom / Tripolo - Libya .

Other fields :

Negotiator member in Palestinian delegation for peace process - Washington .

Chairman of trustee board for faculty of science and technology .

 Palestinian Academic Association chairman .

 Palestinian Housing Council As Vice Chairman of the board .

 Vice Chairman of the board of Arab Corporation for Technical Development.


  E-Mail : pea@palnet.com


Palestinian Energy Authority:

Main Office PEA. :     Gaza -P.O Box 3041/ Tel: 972-7-2821702 , Fax : 972-7-2824849

                                        Al-Bireh-P.O. Box:3591 / Tel: 972-2- 2986190/2 , Fax:972-2-2986191